Always Ready To Go!!

Always Ready To Go!!

Palouse Prairie School of Expeditionary Learning

This is our first year and we have learned much
from the 10 EL Design Principles that guide this public school model.

The principles are:

The Having of Wonderful Ideas
Cooperation and Competition
Responsibility for Learning
Empathy and Caring
Service and Compassion
The Primacy of Self Discovery
Solitude and Reflection
Success and Failure
Diversity and Inclusion
The Natural World

Welcome to our CREW

This page is for the 4/5 class and all that
they do and think. They are a wonderfully creative
and inclusive group of kids.

We are CREW because we show Courage, are Responsible,
have Empathy, and are Welcoming as a class.

Walking in the rain to UI

Walking in the rain to UI
As part of our Case Study, we checked out books at the UI and learned to do some real book hunting!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Prichard Gallery visit with Ryan Law

We met Ryan Law on the second floor of the gallery. She spent time talking about the people of the community and this was their first time to experience art. There seemed to be about 40 drawings. All ages participated. She told us the locals sat on the a small bench, shared pencils, were only able to use crayons and water color. The water came from puddles. Pencils were split in half. There were no erasers. Each person got one piece of paper.
When we got back after seeing the pictures and the slide show, the kids shared their thoughts. They were surprised at the self portraits, the flower shape that kept appearing in so many drawings. As Aurora said, " No one drew anything about the earthquake." Milo was interested that all ages wanted to draw, not just kids. I asked if he thought a room full of adults here would want to do what they did. He looked at me and said,"no". It is understood that adults here have so many other ways to express themselves.
The Crew had some wonderful ideas for continuing to help like raising more funds (we can sing and work at the Farmer's Market) and helping them get more and art supplies. Forest is willing to give two saws he has. He knows that wood and nails would help too. Wil and Semolina know that the people could use goats and chickens.

We will draw pictures for Ms. Law to take back next Spring Break. They can be about anything she said. Just like the art we saw, she wants it to be whatever they want to share. The drawings by the people of Haiti gave us insight into what they think and feel. I hope the pictures we send will make that same connection.