Always Ready To Go!!

Always Ready To Go!!

Palouse Prairie School of Expeditionary Learning

This is our first year and we have learned much
from the 10 EL Design Principles that guide this public school model.

The principles are:

The Having of Wonderful Ideas
Cooperation and Competition
Responsibility for Learning
Empathy and Caring
Service and Compassion
The Primacy of Self Discovery
Solitude and Reflection
Success and Failure
Diversity and Inclusion
The Natural World

Welcome to our CREW

This page is for the 4/5 class and all that
they do and think. They are a wonderfully creative
and inclusive group of kids.

We are CREW because we show Courage, are Responsible,
have Empathy, and are Welcoming as a class.

Walking in the rain to UI

Walking in the rain to UI
As part of our Case Study, we checked out books at the UI and learned to do some real book hunting!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Two Experts-- Both named Nancy

Our first visitor was Nancy Casey who came to educate the crew about life in Haiti. She gave lots of facts about life on the island. Nancy was led to Haiti starting in 1995 because she liked the music, but really started going because she wanted to know how people live in other parts of the world that have less than we do. She spoke some creole with us and taught us a song. The kids learned how to carry 40 lbs of water on their heads, and that getting water took all day for some people. Mostly that is the job of the kids that were their age of this class. Goats are for meat and have to be moved and watered and if your family is doing ok, then they have a donkey which is used to carry goods. The people are very good story tellers and as Nancy has lived among them, learned how they think about life. The kids decided to give money to the VP Foundation to help a child there get books for school or more food. There may be a fund raiser this summer and Nancy asked if they would be interested in helping. The crew learned that it is not thought wise to walk at night. If you do and pass a friend, don't to say anything... the superstition is that ghosts will take you.
Our second expert was Nancy Taylor who has been leading the Art Basics Case Study. Today she debriefed and then reflected with the kids about the three pieces they did using their own name. The target was to create pieces using the elements of line and shape to create a design with balance and variety. We have analyzed other art works and experimented. This was a very helpful academic area and our background knowledge about why artists create has expanded. Nancy wants to come back and work with the crew again.
Both these ladies enriched our day by sharing what they are passionate about.