Always Ready To Go!!

Always Ready To Go!!

Palouse Prairie School of Expeditionary Learning

This is our first year and we have learned much
from the 10 EL Design Principles that guide this public school model.

The principles are:

The Having of Wonderful Ideas
Cooperation and Competition
Responsibility for Learning
Empathy and Caring
Service and Compassion
The Primacy of Self Discovery
Solitude and Reflection
Success and Failure
Diversity and Inclusion
The Natural World

Welcome to our CREW

This page is for the 4/5 class and all that
they do and think. They are a wonderfully creative
and inclusive group of kids.

We are CREW because we show Courage, are Responsible,
have Empathy, and are Welcoming as a class.

Walking in the rain to UI

Walking in the rain to UI
As part of our Case Study, we checked out books at the UI and learned to do some real book hunting!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Money has been donated!

A check was just mailed to the VP Foundation that funnels money to Haiti. It is the organization that Nancy Casey came to our school to talk about while she was updating the kids about life after the earthquake that she saw on her last visit. The picture of Nancy with the Crew is at the bottom of the blog. She also loaned us 10 posters that we displayed in the school to show life there and how the organization started. Visit the VP Foundation website and you can see how the money really does make a difference in the lives there. The crew collected $43.50. I added another $7 and so we donated a total of $50.OO. Way to go Crew!!